Prevent. Protect. Save. Serve. Recover.

All are words that we use to ensure our responders are ready and willing to respond. Are we as a nation providing these responders the best training and educational opportunities to prevent, respond to and recover from devastation and disaster? The National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) is doing its part to offer the highest quality national training for all emergency responders.

This annual report identifies those state, local, tribal and territorial jurisdictions that utilized the NDPC to protect their citizens by providing education and training opportunities for responders. We demand the best from our public safety providers, so we must continue to provide the best for our nation’s responders. The NDPC is dedicated to safeguard against threats, respond to emergencies and provide nationally certified high-quality education and training resources to as many individuals and jurisdictions as possible.

As a professional alliance of premier national institutions and organizations, the NDPC will continue to work to expand our resources so we can continue to provide opportunities to jurisdictions equitably and effectively.

As we look to the future, the NDPC will continue to increase quality, professionalism, partnerships and resources to effectively execute our responsibilities as directed by Congress. We will continue to develop flexible and timely training that protects every community by giving first responders the upper hand to prevent, prepare, respond and recover. The NDPC is proud to serve our state, local, tribal and territorial emergency responders.