NDPC 2023 Annual Report

NDPC Overview Video

Extended audio version of the NDPC Overview Video

Learn More About the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium

The NDPC enhances the preparedness of federal, state, local, territorial and tribal emergency responders to reduce the nation’s vulnerability to incidents involving weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, and all-hazard high-consequence events. THe NDPC develops, delivers, and assesses response plans and provides training, technical assistance, and exercises. Visit the NDPC Website

Letter from the Chairman - Jeff Mayne

Letter from Outgoing Chairman Jeff Mayne:

The National Domestic Preparedness Consortium remains at the forefront of influencing dynamic outcomes by formulating and delivering cutting-edge training and educational strategies. We are relentlessly committed to reaching a broad spectrum of emergency responders and equipping them with the expertise needed to prevent, prepare for, and mitigate high-consequence events that pose threats to human safety and security. The NDPC's expansive reach and unparalleled expertise ensure that state, local, tribal, and territorial entities have access to the highest quality training on a national scale. As the NDPC continues to lead in preparedness, prevention, and education on a national level, we will persist in leveraging our influence and expertise for the greater benefit.

In the midst of challenging and ever-evolving circumstances, policymakers consistently recognize the NDPC as a premier asset for responders. The invaluable training and educational opportunities we provide play a pivotal role in enhancing national safety and security. Serving as the chairman of the NDPC over the past three years has been an honor, and I look forward to the ongoing commitment to expanding resources and enriching the training and education we offer. I would like to welcome Dr. Van Romero as our incoming NDPC Chairman.

Chairman Jeff Mayne (2020-2023)

Letter from Incoming Chairman Van Romero:

First, I would like to thank Jeff for the outstanding leadership he provided to the NDPC. Delivering state-of-the-art training to our nation’s first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic was a significant challenge, but thanks to Jeff’s leadership, the Consortium was able to maintain the level of excellence that is needed to support the people that respond to our nation's disasters. Our members came up with new and innovative modes of delivery to protect our participants and staff. We look forward to using the lessons learned and increasing the pace of our programs in the post-pandemic era.

It is an honor and a privilege to be back as the chair of the NDPC. Over the years, the Consortium has evolved to address new challenges as they emerged. As the chair, I will focus on how we can continue to evolve to address the threats of tomorrow. Our goal is to continue to deliver the top-quality programs that our participants expect and look over the horizon to anticipate the next disaster, whether it comes from manmade or natural forces. I am confident that the NDPC and its members will meet this challenge.

Chairman Van Romero

About the NDPC

Established and authorized under 6 USC 1102, the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) plays a pivotal role in enhancing national preparedness and security. It accomplishes this by increasing the capabilities of state, local, tribal, and territorial first responders and other community stakeholders. With the current annual appropriation of $101 million, the NDPC has trained over 3.78 million participants since its inception in 1998, significantly strengthening the nation's ability to prevent, respond to, and recover from both natural and man-made disasters.

Consortium Members

NDPC Serves the Nation

State Training, North Carolina

State: The NDPC works to address states' unique training needs. Its partnerships with state training agencies allow the NDPC to work with different counties and make sure training needs are being met for all corners of the state.

Extended audio version of the North Carolina Testimonial video

Local Training, Broward County

Local: By committing to building and maintaining relationships at the local level, the NDPC is able to positively impact entire communities. With NDPC training, local emergency response agencies can develop cohesive teams and inter-disciplinary strength to ensure the safety and resilience of their community.

Extended audio version of the Broward County Testimonial video

Tribal Training, The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes

Tribal: The NDPC's capabilities and flexibility allow it to reach communities that otherwise may not be able to receive the high-quality, timely training we provide. The NDPC's work with tribal nations reflects our commitment to delivering critical training to all emergency response communities regardless of size, area, or resources.

Extended audio version of The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Testimonial video

Territorial Training, Puerto Rico

Territorial: Another important component of the NDPC's commitment to serving all types of communities is our work with territorial emergency responders. With its resources, the NDPC can deliver unique training and resources to a specific area or agency and overcome factors such as geographic location or language barriers.

Extended audio version of the Puerto Rico Testimonial video

NDPC Impact: Strengthening Community Disaster Resilience Zones

The NDPC's training efforts extend far beyond individual communities and encompass nationwide initiatives aimed at enhancing disaster preparedness and response. Through collaborative partnerships and a shared commitment to resilience-building, the NDPC has played a pivotal role in supporting initiatives such as Community Disaster Resilience Zones (CDRZs) across the nation.

In the ever-evolving landscape of disaster preparedness and response, CDRZs stand out as an example of proactive resilience-building within communities. The NDPC's training have bolstered the preparedness and resilience of these zones.

Drawing from a robust five-year dataset, the NDPC has had striking success in supporting CDRZs. The NDPC's training has reached 268 out of 269 CDRZs during that five-year period. This comprehensive coverage underscores the NDPC's unwavering commitment to ensuring that communities are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to withstand and recover from all disasters.

A key aspect of the NDPC's strategy lies in its approach to training first responders, even when they may not reside within the CDRZ itself. By empowering these critical stakeholders with specialized training tailored to the unique challenges of response, the NDPC ensures that the support network surrounding CDRZs remains robust and resilient. These first responders play a pivotal role in bolstering the preparedness and response capabilities of both CDRZs and the entire community.

The NDPC's impact fosters a culture of collaboration and coordination that spans counties and regions. By cultivating a network of trained professionals operating in and around CDRZs, the NDPC facilitates a seamless exchange of resources, expertise, and support for these vital zones.

As we navigate an increasingly complex and unpredictable world, the importance of initiatives like the NDPC's cannot be overstated. By steadfastly supporting CDRZs and the communities they serve, the NDPC continues to pave the way for a safer, more resilient future for all.

NDPC FY23 by the numbers

Individuals Trained in 2023

Resident Training Indirect Training Mobile Training Web-Based Training Virtual Training Just-In-Time Training Total
18,987 21,987 90,117 55,672 14,699 14,262 215,724

2023 Contact Training Hours

Resident Training Indirect Training Mobile Training Web-Based Training Virtual Training Just-In-Time Training Total
291,534 185,071 1,025,091 319,487 69,150 6,458 1,896,818

2023 Training Deliveries

Resident Training Indirect Training Mobile Training Virtual Training Total
740 1,126 3,327 825 6,018

Individuals Trained Online in 2023 via DHS-Certified Courses

Web-Based Training Virtual Training Just-In-Time Training Total
55,672 14,699 14,262 84,633

Subject Matter Experts Active in 2023

315 371 96 74 120 11 333 1,320

Individuals Trained by State in 2023

State Indirect Mobile Resident Web-Based Virtual Just-In-Time Total
AA 0 0 0 668 0 0 668
AE 0 3 0 20 0 0 23
AK 64 356 134 44 228 0 826
AL 89 1936 1018 759 625 0 4427
AP 0 8 0 21 0 0 29
AR 3 544 147 634 49 0 1377
AS 1 684 20 2 1 0 708
AZ 212 1726 778 779 200 0 3695
CA 928 6118 1403 3700 939 0 13088
CO 83 1410 302 1046 145 0 2986
CT 153 589 143 290 116 0 1291
DC 79 449 445 514 331 0 1818
DE 34 146 23 87 101 0 391
FL 426 3236 827 5314 1324 0 11127
FM 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
GA 377 2512 1043 2274 350 0 6556
GU 40 424 15 24 1 0 504
HI 256 78 201 410 107 0 1052
IA 610 232 92 220 85 0 1239
ID 31 114 71 176 75 0 467
IL 282 3167 380 1752 519 0 6100
IN 114 740 254 1898 186 0 3192
INTL 109 104 9 1224 507 0 1953
KS 196 402 119 338 112 0 1167
KY 0 1734 192 541 123 0 2590
LA 135 1479 141 310 127 0 2192
MA 64 1554 306 665 206 0 2795
MD 157 1112 488 820 335 0 2912
ME 57 258 74 485 98 0 972
MH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MI 871 1594 395 495 205 0 3560
MN 111 1022 201 566 117 0 2017
MO 63 984 1076 1146 288 0 3557
MP 39 756 95 18 0 0 908
MS 16 541 134 422 129 0 1242
MT 65 482 42 75 40 0 704
NC 71 2155 570 900 248 0 3944
ND 320 177 160 96 28 0 781
NE 69 433 88 122 110 0 822
NH 342 250 106 665 153 0 1516
NJ 3592 3223 483 1864 659 0 9821
NM 32 991 297 290 81 0 1691
NV 398 723 140 1612 205 0 3078
NY 3658 19973 813 4295 1234 0 29973
OH 126 1617 553 1235 300 0 3831
OK 2286 4395 140 804 96 0 7721
OR 39 785 169 787 88 0 1868
OTHER 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
PA 766 2867 416 1704 582 0 6335
PR 388 1188 283 131 247 0 2237
PW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RI 0 242 67 620 24 0 953
SC 1059 1145 286 797 391 0 3678
SD 1 175 55 88 28 0 347
TN 640 867 592 924 136 0 3159
TX 1503 6805 1284 5218 731 0 15541
UT 0 512 412 305 63 0 1292
VA 448 1847 479 3784 588 0 7146
VI 0 242 97 11 84 0 434
VT 0 278 62 115 74 0 529
WA 114 1150 440 728 498 0 2930
WI 405 1033 272 321 261 0 2292
WV 51 372 80 411 67 0 981
WY 16 187 64 107 53 0 427

NDPC's impact is felt nationwide through powerful, meaningful and effective training.

Teex Logo

In January of 2023, myself and members of our Special Operations Response Team attended a WAS class taught by TEEX. The class challenged us to think outside the box and pushed us out of our comfort zones, and we learned many things. We were instantly picked from our groups and put into squads with strangers. It was there that we found ourselves learning the importance of communication and networking. This class was incredibly valuable and helped enhance the effectiveness of overall response efforts. The instructors were extremely informative and knowledgeable.
In March of 2023, our service area was severely impacted by an EF-3 Tornado. The class had done a great job of preparing us for the challenge that was at our front door. By knowing how and quickly employing the search we were able to cover more ground quickly and efficiently. This class not only provided us with the bigger picture, but also the confidence and preparedness to better serve our community.

Sgt. K. Jarrett, Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services Special Operations Response Team, Little Rock, AR


This was by far one of the most fun and challenging courses I have ever taken. The instructors were courteous, kind, incredibly friendly, experts in their subject matter and took a person like me with little knowledge or formal background; and made incredibly difficult concepts a lot more tangible and easier to understand. My goal at all costs is to protect the members I work with and any civilians in harms way. I appreciate all the hard work you do at SERTC for us and hope to have the privilege of taking more courses with you in the near future.

LT K.Nigey, FDNY


During my activation as the Los Angeles County Emergency Operations Center Liaison Officer, I was able to provide as well as advise staff on disaster recovery learned from this training course not only for disaster recovery structures, but also for other phases. The Cedar Rapids Flood Recovery overview and lessons learned were very helpful in understanding an area that has history of severe flooding and how the city utilized what they have to mitigate and be prepared for future flooding incidents.

NDPTC Participant, AWR-356: Community Planning for Disaster Recovery, Los Angeles, CA


Because of this program, especially the classroom training where the instructors gave us the homework of studying our building emergency action plans, it came to my attention that our building didn't have a current action plan, and so right now the administration is working on getting one. Next is to continue practicing the plans so that they're second nature. Bringing your training here is going to really plant the seed for us to be more efficient and keep more of our staff and community members safe.

Dr. Stacy Oberly, Tribal Council, Southern Ute Indian Tribe

CDP Logo

The responders who attended CDP training allowed us to perform at a higher level. They all had increased capabilities, which helped us make it safer for everyone involved.

Jim St. John, Jefferson County, AL, Emergency Manager who worked with numerous response agencies to prepare for the 2023 World Games in Birmingham


As a 24-year officer with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces and WMD programs, I've found the Response to Bombing Incidents and Tactical Response to Suicide Bombing Incidents training program to be top-notch. They have proven essential in the field, accurately identifying and resolving critical scenes. These courses are so valuable that we teach them to all our academy students and highly encourage officers to attend the resident courses. With over one hundred annual suspicious package and explosive calls, our first responders' performance - backed by New Mexico Tech's knowledge - never disappoints.

Corporal Zach Fredrick, FBI Assistant WMD Coordinator, Critical Infrastructure Assessor, Hampton Police Division, Hampton, VA


On 11/29/23, a flight landed at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport at approximately 11 pm. During the cleaning of the aircraft, airline personnel discovered a suspicious item on a seat. The Western Wayne County HAZMAT Response Team (WWHMRT) contacted CTOS Course Coordinator John Wills to assist in identifying the hazard of the item. Instructor Wills explained the best equipment to utilize to ensure the accuracy of the tube markings and safety concerns to the WWHMRT Team Leader. The item was surveyed and secured using techniques learned from previous PER-345/355 training. A survey of the aircraft was also conducted to ensure no other material or contamination was present. The WWHMRT quickly and safely handled this incident with the assistance of the training and knowledge from CTOS staff.

CTOS Participant, PER-348, PER-345, PER-355, AWR-140 & AWR-140 Train-the-Trainer, Taylor, MI

NDPC Leadership

Chairman, Executive Directors and Committee Chairs

Annual Report Archive

View Annual Reports from previous years.

Questions? Let's Get in Touch

The National Domestic Preparedness Consortium comprises of seven member organizations. Please visit the partner website to obtain contact information for a specific partner.

Not sure who to contact? General Inquiry? Email our NDPC information group and our team will forward your request to the appropriate resource.


© 2023 NDPC - National Domestic Preparedness Consortium

2023 NDPC Annual Report