Letter from Outgoing Chairman Jeff Mayne:

The National Domestic Preparedness Consortium remains at the forefront of influencing dynamic outcomes by formulating and delivering cutting-edge training and educational strategies. We are relentlessly committed to reaching a broad spectrum of emergency responders and equipping them with the expertise needed to prevent, prepare for, and mitigate high-consequence events that pose threats to human safety and security. The NDPC's expansive reach and unparalleled expertise ensure that state, local, tribal, and territorial entities have access to the highest quality training on a national scale. As the NDPC continues to lead in preparedness, prevention, and education on a national level, we will persist in leveraging our influence and expertise for the greater benefit.

In the midst of challenging and ever-evolving circumstances, policymakers consistently recognize the NDPC as a premier asset for responders. The invaluable training and educational opportunities we provide play a pivotal role in enhancing national safety and security. Serving as the chairman of the NDPC over the past three years has been an honor, and I look forward to the ongoing commitment to expanding resources and enriching the training and education we offer. I would like to welcome Dr. Van Romero as our incoming NDPC Chairman.

Chairman Jeff Mayne (2020-2023)

Letter from Incoming Chairman Van Romero:

First, I would like to thank Jeff for the outstanding leadership he provided to the NDPC. Delivering state-of-the-art training to our nation’s first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic was a significant challenge, but thanks to Jeff’s leadership, the Consortium was able to maintain the level of excellence that is needed to support the people that respond to our nation's disasters. Our members came up with new and innovative modes of delivery to protect our participants and staff. We look forward to using the lessons learned and increasing the pace of our programs in the post-pandemic era.

It is an honor and a privilege to be back as the chair of the NDPC. Over the years, the Consortium has evolved to address new challenges as they emerged. As the chair, I will focus on how we can continue to evolve to address the threats of tomorrow. Our goal is to continue to deliver the top-quality programs that our participants expect and look over the horizon to anticipate the next disaster, whether it comes from manmade or natural forces. I am confident that the NDPC and its members will meet this challenge.

Chairman Van Romero